When you think about having a home out on the Central Coast, the first place to go to is the beautiful San Luis Obispo. Yet many of the existing homes simply may not fit your present needs, and you may not be interested in going through any costly remodels on an older home. Instead, a custom home built by Artifex Industries can provide you with the new construction and home design you desire in San Luis Obispo at the perfect location.

New Construction and Home Design in San Luis Obispo Tailored to Your Preferences

Imagine walking into a newly constructed home with a large living room, spacious kitchen, serene bathrooms, and relaxing bedrooms for yourself and your whole family. By deciding on a custom home, you have more control regarding the layout of your floor plan as you can have the home design that can fit into your current and future lifestyle.

You won’t have to deal with any of the unknowns associated with an existing house such as old wiring, leaky roofs, or a cracked foundation that could cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars to repair. Everything will be brand new as you can let your imagination lead you to the desired home design that will make you happy for years to come. Live within your ultimate dream home and watch it increase in value year after year.

Check out the other advantages you will find in getting a San Luis Obispo custom home.

  • Latest energy efficiency innovations built right into the new home so you can save on your utility bills instead of dealing with less efficient older homes.
  • Select from a wide range of home designs and materials so you get a home construction that suits your tastes.
  • Enjoy the abundant cost savings you will find with new construction, as you will perform less maintenance while spending more time with your family.

Enjoy a New Home Built in San Luis Obispo

At Artifex Industries, we provide new construction, additions and remodels to residents along the Central Coast and in San Luis Obispo. We pride ourselves in helping people with the whole home design and construction process as we are there to work on your project from start to finish. Don’t just think that we build ordinary houses. Instead, we build extraordinary new homes that will always meet your satisfaction.

Give us a call today and find out how we can help with your new construction project. Artifex Industries will provide the home that will make you happy for years.

New Home Construction for San Luis Obispo Residents

New Construction

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